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Friday, October 10, 2008

Heroes Time 2

In my last post I talked about Heroes and the problems I have with the plot. I guess my problem is that when I see a problem occur in a show I try to figure out how the characters are going to fix it. In this third season problems occur and I know how they can be solved. The problem is that the character are too powerful. HRG wants to kill Sylar. Just use the Hatian to turn off his powers and shot him in the head. Problem solved. Maybe Time Traveling Peter can zip right back to before he shot his brother and stop himself from causing these new problems. Also why is Peter so adept at time travel and Hiro can never get it right. Nearly everytime Hiro time travels in to the past he ends up in he wrong spot. He does okay going back to the past from the future, but the whole backwards travel thing was not good.

Maybe there are some rules in the Heroes universe that have not be revealed. Maybe there is some greater force controlling the time stream. Maybe that is why Hiro's backwards jumps always end badly. I am thinking that the thing is the writers having written themselves into a corner.

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